Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Welcome Big Sis!

Hello everyone, 

Just a wee quick entry, to ask for all you fabulous reader's, to pop over to my Big Sister's new journal called Loopy loo in from the cold  and say hello to welcome her. 

I was really surprised and yet, so pleased to see her here. I think It will be such a boost for her, with all you wonderful people.Team spirit and kindness are just two small pebbles In J-Land's ocean. Now, Have I done enough crawling? lol. Thanks. ;-)  

p.s. she loves elephants!!

Take Care, Back Soon. xx


Anonymous said...

Im on my way Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Have just said Hi to big Sis

Anonymous said...

I was just there and gave her a big "Ol" welcome!

Anonymous said...

I'm on my way


Anonymous said...

I'll look over there right now!

Anonymous said...

I will pop over to say hi!

Anonymous said...

you are something girl I will gladly stop by and say welcome to jland...

Anonymous said...

l'll pop over and say "hi"

Pam, I didn't realize you didn't live in the States; I don't know why I thought you lived in the Midwest here; when I was reading Mort's journal and he said you sent his mum flowers (that was sweet to do); I thought "wow, that was nice of her to send them across the ocean" and then when I read he went to show you the flowers, I'm like "okay, I missed something here" and then I put two and two together; have no idea why I thought you were from here :)


Anonymous said...

Gonna go over and offer a hearty welcome to the sis!

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Heading over now...if she his like you, her journal promises to be a great read!!

Anonymous said...

Popped over. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

I stopped over to welcome your sister dear friend. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

i love elefants too :o)  I shall pop over and say hello right now xx


Anonymous said...

i really doooo love elephants and dogs and cats and some humans too. Thank you Pam for sending your friends to visit my blogg. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday for a lesson in adding their links.
Love Loopy Loo x

Anonymous said...

I'll go check her site as soon as I'm done meandering through yours. Thank you for stopping by my little corner in the woods.

Anonymous said...

hello, just poppedover to say hi, i have added her to my alerts too. nice to see a new face. take care mrs t xx

Anonymous said...

have done it Pam (I think) you can now edit me (well not literally but if you could I would quite like the 'remember where I put it' button in my brain reset.
Let me know what you think Ms Patience. love loopy loo

Anonymous said...

Love new journals, going there now!

~~~Make it a Great Day~~~