Hello everyone, I have had a rather rotten time of it lately, hence the delay in posting any new entries. I lost one of my clients to a sudden death and I was shocked to the core. I spent a whole day crying constantly trying to get my head round the sad news. A beautiful lady with such a wonderful outlook on life. I decided to go to the funeral. I felt very alone as I walked into the church hoping to slip into the back seats and was totally taken aback at the packed church!.
I have never seen anything like it before. that spoke volumes to me about the lady I had been caring for on a daily basis. The service was beautiful. Very funny in parts. I held it together by singing as loud as i could and praising myself inwardly. I decided against the next part and slowly walked home feeling very strange. You know that when someone is poorly, you go on the journey with that person. On this particular occassion it was so unexpected and it will take me a wee while to get back on my feet properly. I will never forget her and keep our laughter together very close to me.
On the afternoon that I was told the sad news, I also had my 12 week appraisal with my boss. I got some good advice from her on coping with greif and was thrilled to be told, I had been given brilliant feedback from my clients and I had definately passed with flying colours. I was given my new blue uniform and a cosy winter fleece, An amazing moment was tainted with such sadness as I wanted to tell my lady my good news and of course show her my uniform. I do, though,talk to her and have done so,every day and I am sure if one more person in the street catches me talking to myself, I will surely be carted off! lol.
So, life for me at the moment is all swings and roundabouts. One blink and everything can change. I raise my coffee to my lovely lady and know in my heart she is doing just fine. Take Care, Back Soon. xx