Hello Everyone, Happy New Year! Hope you are all well. I got my date through for my operation. I go In to Hospital on the 2nd of February to the Admissions ward and get several tests done then get the op on the 3rd. On recieving the letter I phoned them to let them know I would be available on that date and then I asked the lady some questions about It all. I thought I would be In maybe overnight or even out the same day but I was told I will be in for a few days. I have to go to my nearest city hospital to get this procedure done and while this is a good hospital, It means I will be left on my own as It Is almost Impossible for people to park there so I will just have to be exceptionally brave.
I have been utterly petrified at the thought of this op, especially the anaesthetic, but I so desperately need to be able to stop this constant pain In my arm. I have had almost all of my time taken time taken up with this awful weather. As A Support Worker I have to walk In my job anyway so no time off for me! In fact with all the clearing of paths and shopping lists for the elderly neighbours around me, I have been totally shattered! It made me feel good to know I could help a little and make a difference. I will post again when I am able. Please keep me In your prayers. Take Care, Back Soon. Love Pam. xx
John E. Knox
3 days ago